Tuesday, 15 April 2008

The biofuel mendacity

For sometime now, the green movement and their ilk have been pushing their agenda of coercing governments to force us the consumers to use biofuels. As is typical with the greens and their inability to see past their own towering moral vanity; such policies for the uninitiated are bound to have a catastrophic impact on the vary people that they say they “care” about.

Eliding as do on the consequences of green polices, while substituting as fact, their “remedy in search of a problem”; the greens have attempted, and with some semblance of success, of painting a picture that conjures up images of renewable abundance, minus the downside of being an encumbrance on the planet.

For anyone whom took just a cursory glance past page one of Environmental Greens & Co press releases, it would have been abundantly clear that all this razmataz was intentionally obscuring some glaringly obvious shortcomings.

People, land, resources and food are inextricably linked with social, political and economic forces. Unbridled “green bias” skews and distorts such relationships, which by its very nature is inimical to us all.

I know the greens hold anything that has but the slightest hue of capitalism in contempt, but they could learn a few things, should they set aside their dogma for a moment. There is no such thing as a free lunch!

Biofuels, in principal are a good thing. Panacea it isn’t. I support biofuels in principal if but for the purpose of reducing our dependence on energy from volatile regions of the world.

As an energy / commodity trader, I can see that that old adage of “no free lunch” is alive and well. For one thing biofuel precursors, have sky-rocketed on the global commodity exchanges. This has had the effect of pushing up prices on pretty much all staple ingredients to which we are dependent on.

My advice to the greens and their allies is to spend less time in their air tight ivory towers and a little more time in reality. Inflicting pain on the people in an attempt to prove a point which can never be proven is an exercise in futility, but more important downright dangerous.

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